Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship

Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship (ADB-JSP) 2025 | Apply Now!

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If you’re searching for a scholarship to help you continue your studies after college. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) offers scholarships to individuals like you who want to learn more and make a positive difference.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process step by step. ADB scholarships are for people from certain countries who want to study subjects like economics, management, or science and technology.

Whether you need help filling out forms or want to understand how the selection process works, this guide has all the information you need.

About Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), established in 1966, focuses on reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific. Since 1988, it has offered scholarships funded by the Government of Japan to talented individuals from its member countries. 

These scholarships support postgraduate studies in fields such as economics, management, and science and technology at reputable institutions in the region, lasting one to two years.

The aim is to develop human capital to contribute to the region’s economic and social progress.

Eligibility Criteria: 

To qualify for the Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program, candidates must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Must be a citizen of an ADB borrowing member country and eligible for Japanese ODA scholarships.
  • Cannot hold dual citizenship of any developed country.
  • Must have gained admission to an approved master’s course at a Designated Institution.
  • Must hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent with a superior academic record.
  • Must possess at least two years of full-time professional working experience acquired after obtaining a university degree at the time of application.
  • Must demonstrate proficiency in oral and written English communication skills.
  • Must not be more than 35 years old at the time of application, unless waived in exceptional cases with the expressed endorsement of the Government of Japan.
  • Must be in good health or physically fit.
  • Must agree to return and work in their home country for at least two years after completing studies under the program to contribute to its development.
  • Cannot be an Executive Director, Alternate Director, management, staff, or consultant of ADB, or a close relative of the aforementioned.
  • Cannot be staff of ADB–JSP Designated Institutions.
  • Must not be living or working in a country other than their home country.
  • Must not already be enrolled in graduate degree programs.
  • The program welcomes women applicants and individuals with limited financial access to higher studies.

Additionally, the following individuals are not eligible for the Scholarships:

  • Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, management, and staff of ADB
  • Consultants and relatives of the aforementioned
  • Staff of participating academic institutions


To apply for the Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program, candidates must fulfill the following requirements and provide the following documents:

Below are the necessary requirements:

  1. Duly accomplished application form. 

Click the button below to access the online application form. For International Rice Research Institute/University of the Philippines in Los Baños

  1. Duly accomplished ADB-JSP Information Sheet (must be typewritten/computerized; no handwritten). 

Click the button below to download the form.

  1. Copy of University Application Form.

Click the button below to form. University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)

  1. Copy of Passport (clear copy, colored, with signature if available).
  2. Copy of Bachelor’s Degree Official Diploma.
  3. Copy of Bachelor’s Degree Official Academic Transcripts.
  4. Certificate of Employment and Compensation/Income.
  5. Certificate/Proof of Family Income or No Income.


The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program offers support to scholars for their education and research. This includes:

1. Full tuition fees

2. Monthly subsistence allowance, including housing

3. Books and instructional materials

4. Medical insurance

5. Travel expenses

In addition, Scholars who are working on research might get extra money to help them prepare their thesis. In some cases, the scholarship can also cover expenses for courses like computer skills or language training if necessary.?

Priority Degree Programs:

These are the main areas of study emphasized by the Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program:

  1. Science and Technology:
  • Agriculture
  • Biological Science
  • Computer Science
  • Energy
  • Engineering
  • Environment
  • Forestry
  • Genetics
  • Health
  1. Economics, Business, and Management:
  • Accounting
  • Business Administration/Management
  • Commerce
  • E-Business
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • International Cooperation
  • Social Sciences
  1. Development Studies:
  • Asia Pacific Studies
  • Development Management
  • Development Studies
  1. Law and Public Policy:
  • International Business Law
  • International Environmental Law
  • Policy Studies
  • Political Science
  • Public Administration
  • Public Policy

Eligible Countries:

This scholarship opportunity is open to citizens of specific countries/areas. Below is a list of the eligible countries/areas for the Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program:

  • Afghanistan
  • Armenia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bangladesh
  • Bhutan
  • Cambodia
  • Cook Islands
  • Federated States of Micronesia
  • Fiji
  • Georgia
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kiribati
  • Kyrgyz Republic
  • Lao People’s Democratic Republic
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Marshall Islands
  • Mongolia
  • Myanmar
  • Nauru
  • Nepal
  • Niue
  • Pakistan
  • Palau
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Philippines
  • Samoa
  • Solomon Islands
  • Sri Lanka
  • Tajikistan
  • Thailand
  • Timor-Leste
  • Tonga
  • Turkmenistan
  • Tuvalu
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vanuatu
  • Viet Nam

Application Process: 

Applying for the Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program is easy. Just follow these steps to complete your application and make sure you don’t miss anything.

Application Deadline:

The deadline for the Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program application is 31 March 2025.

Step-by-step: How to Apply

You can also watch a helpful video guide below:

Application Guide by: Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program

Step 1: Request Information:

    Applicants should request information and application forms from their chosen academic institution(s). They can utilize various resources such as institution websites, handbooks, and information sessions to make informed decisions about the institution and course.

    Click the button below to access the application form.

    Step 2: Apply for Scholarship:

      Applicants should inform the academic institution that they are applying for admission and wish to be considered for the ADB–JSP Scholarship.

      They must submit completed institution application forms and required documentation, including the ADB–JSP application sheet form.

      Accuracy and completeness of documentation are essential. Applicants are also required to submit their latest income tax return or certification of their annual salary/monthly salary, along with a certification of family income.

      Step 3: Selection of Candidates:

        The academic institution will screen and rank applicants based on its own selection criteria, considering the eligibility requirements and ADB’s selection criteria. During the evaluation process, the institution may contact candidates for further information.

        It will then submit a ranked list of applicants to ADB, along with a description of the scoring/grading system used for ranking.

        Step 5: Recommendation and Approval:

          ADB will review submissions from academic institutions and recommend awardees to the Executive Director of Japan for formal approval based on its selection criteria. Upon approval, ADB will inform academic institutions about successful candidates.

          1. Notification and Arrangements:

          Academic institutions will inform all applicants of the selection outcome and begin arrangements for scholarship awardees.

          Awardees will sign an acceptance of scholarship award, agreeing to return to their home country after completing their studies.

          1. Confirmation and Congratulatory Letter:

          ADB will send a congratulatory letter to scholars through the university.

          Important Notes:

          • No separate application to ADB is required.
          • Completed applications forms and academic records should be submitted to the institution at least six months before the intended start of the program.
          • Only candidates endorsed by academic institutions will be considered for scholarships by ADB.
          • he scholarship does not cover expenses for the scholar’s family, extra-curricular courses or training, additional travel, supplementary educational materials, or purchase of equipment such as computers.
          • Completion of the application or admission by the institution does not guarantee a scholarship. Applicants should refrain from taking any action regarding their employment until informed of their scholarship award by the institution.

          Contact Details:

          Here are the contact details for the headquarters and relevant offices:

          ADB (Asian Development Bank):

          Headquarters: 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550, Metro Manila, Philippines

          Phone: +63 2 8632 4444, +63 2 8636 2444

          IRRI (International Rice Research Institute):

          HQ Location: Los Baños, Laguna 4031, Philippines

          Phone: +63 2 8580 5600, +63 2 8845 0563

          ISARC (International Soil Analysis Research Centre):

          Office Location: NSRTC Campus, G. T. Road, Collectry Farm, P.O. Industrial Estate, Varanasi-221006, Uttar Pradesh, India

          Phone: +91-0542-2518901, +91-0542-2518900


          These contact details can be used to reach out for inquiries or assistance regarding the scholarship program.

          Final Thoughts:

          ADB helps countries in Asia and the Pacific grow and improve lives by reducing poverty and creating better opportunities.

          Through the Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP), scholarships are given to people from certain countries to study subjects like science, economics, and law. 

          This gives them a chance for a good education and helps them make a positive impact back home.

          If you know someone who loves learning and wants to make a difference, tell them about the ADB-JSP scholarship program. 

          Sharing this opportunity can help more people get an education and make their communities better. 

          Your support can truly change someone’s life.

          Notice: Information Disclaimer

          The PhilScholar website is an informational platform that provides details on scholarships and grants for educational purposes. While it doesn’t directly facilitate applications, users can find guides and articles related to admissions and scholarship processes. 

          However, users should carefully verify the credibility of the content provided. All information is intended for informational purposes only, and users are encouraged to verify details independently before making decisions. 

          References for additional verification or inquiries are provided at the end of the content section.


          Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program

          1. International Rice Research Institute. (n.d.). Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from

          2. Asian Development Bank. (n.d.). Japan Scholarship Program. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from

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          2 responses to “Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship (ADB-JSP) 2025 | Apply Now!”

          1. i really want to graduate and seeing this opportunity is good, i won’t let it go this time

          2. I want to get a scholarship so that I can add something to my studies because only my mother is sending me to school

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